Future University In Egypt (FUE)
Future University In Egypt (FUE)

Literature Review-2

Literature Review-2

  • Course Code :
  • Level :
  • Course Hours :
    2.00 Hours
  • Entry year :
  • Department :
    Faculty of Oral & Dental Medicine

Aim of the course

To enable the postgraduate student to: 38- To keep students updated with the most recent scientific articles in the field of orthodontics. 39- To be able to differentiate between different types of scientific studies. 40- To be able to criticize scientific articles. 41- To improve critical thinking skills. 42- To recognize the recent advances in orthodontics including diagnosis and treatment planning, biomechanics. 43- To improve presentation skills. 44- To enable students to recognize the application of ethics in orthodontics in different clinical situations.

Course Contents

• Each lecture includes 4 students presentation of 4 different scientific articles including articles on ethics

a) Knowledge and understanding

a.1. To identify different types of scientific studies. a.2. Describe the scientific article in a systematic way. a.3. Recognize the most recent and advanced orthodontic techniques.

b) Intellectual Skills

b.1. To evaluate and criticize recent scientific articles. b2. To rate and assess the accuracy of scientific research.

c) Professional and Practical Skills

c.1. To use and apply the most recent knowledge in clinical practice. c.2. To be able to present a scientific article and improving presentation and powerpoint skills. c.3. To know how to apply professional ethics in different clinical situations.

d) General and transferable skills

c.1. To use and apply the most recent knowledge in clinical practice. c.2. To be able to present a scientific article and improving presentation and powerpoint skills. c.3. To know how to apply professional ethics in different clinical situations.
Lectures (students presentations) (two hours per week).

Teaching and Learning Methods for special needs students

a) Assessment Methods

1- Record for attendance. 2- Assignments of certain topics. 3- Final examination: Written exam (MCQ + essay questions)

b) Assessment Schedule

Written exam: Final Oral exam: Final

c) Weighting of Assessment

Final Exam: Written 50 Midterm: Theoretical: 25 Practical: 25

a) Course Notes

b) Essential Books (Text Books)

c) Recommended Books

d) Scientific periodicals,bulletins,etc...

Seminars in Orthodontics. - American Journal of Orthodontics and Dento-facial Orthopedics. - Journal of Clinical Orthodontics

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